I was shocked and awed that my wife, Jem, shared porn with me on google
and I suggest you read the post from xkcd, too. In fact, I suggest you
read the entirety of xkcd. I coined the verb “to be xkcd’d” which means
“when you discover a new web comic and like the latest strips so much
that you go back to the very beginning and read every single strip until
you catch up to date again so that you can understand all the jokes in
the full context of the comic” - quite a necessary abbreviation, I think
you’ll agree! With xkcd, the king of xkcding, I was actually xkcd’d
twice - first when I first discovered it, and second when I realised
about the title text… And that bring me on to my xkcd reading tip:
READ THE CAPTIONS - hover your mouse over the xkcd image and read the
title text. Do this on the
xkcd website.
That Randall is a comedic genius. :) Some of the captions are too long
for firefox, so I have installed ‘
Popup ALT Attribute’
for Firefox which gives a larger ‘tooltip’ window. Read on for the strip
itself and my recommended webcomics
Whilst we’re on the subject of webcomics, heres a few more I read (in rough order of preference, though the top 3 are in ‘joint second place’ to xkcd):
- Cyanide and Happiness - awesome if gross and un-PC. Very frequent.
- SMBC - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - very very good.
- 909sickle - “popsickle” - generally a good read, often very funny, sometimes quite deep, infrequently impersonating other’s comics (when they did SMBC I didn’t notice until I read about it under the next SMBC strip!) - they generally do title text too though they did start phasing it out at one point(!!) and now they don’t do it all the time. :(
- User Friendly - don’t get xkcd’d on this - theres 5 a week and it’s been going since 1997! Very techy :)
- Basic Instructions - Genius - especially the early ones.
- Buttersafe - nice’n long, often make me laugh
- Luke Surl comics - short but sweet
- Killer Spoons - makes me smirk
Wow, now I list them, I realise I really should get a life… Happy xkcding!